Meet the Uniquely Us Team

Hello, and welcome to our store! My name is Kristen Douglas and my daughter's name is Alana Douglas. Ever since Alana was a little girl she became my "mini me". To this day, we are still similar in SO many ways. We think alike, we laugh at the same things, we like similar foods... BUT there is one thing that makes us completely different - our clothing style! We both love a comfortable t-shirt, but as you can imagine, we will tailor the overall "fit" to our own unique style. This is the genesis behind our name, Uniquely Us. Our Uniquely Us store gives you the same opportunity! Pick out one of our designs and combine it with your fashion preferences to allow your style to shine bright in a way that will display to the world your unique self. In other words, Uniquely Us is here to help you be - Uniquely You!

Be Uniquely You!

Don't you just LOVE a good t-shirt? Our shirt collections are designed with all ages in mind; so whether you are youth age, a teenager, college student, mom, or grandma; we have something for you! We encourage everyone to take our basic message on the t-shirt and adapt it to your unique style. Wear them 'as is' or add your favorite jacket or cardigan. Be uniquely YOU! Happy Shopping.

  • Praying Collection

    Prayer Works! If you're a woman that believes in prayer, these t-shirts are a perfect way to let your family and community know you are praying for them.

    Praying Collection 
  • Hobbies Collection

    Everyone loves a good hobby! Enjoy these fun and creative designs that display not only your love for your hobbies but also your love for Jesus.

    Hobbies Collection 
  • I Love My Church Collection

    Do you attend an amazing church? Our 'I Love My Church' Collection allows you to show your church some love all while wearing a cute outfit!

    I Love My Church Collection